The CCPI Condition Score System

As a developer of high-quality cleaning, maintenance and protection solutions in the field of facade maintenance, we come every day on many projects with various issues and challenges. For this we have an extensive total package with which we can provide tailor-made project advice. The projects have become increasingly complex over the years. The complexity arises in particular from the diversity in materialisation of the facades, the maintenance history of a project and the available budget. With regard to the maintenance history, it is often guesswork about what has happened in recent years and what was the underlying vision and scope of the owner.

In the field of conservation and protection systems, CCPI has a package with various solutions. These solutions are often widely applicable and the choice of which solution to choose is related to the correct (pre) cleaning of the surface to be treated and in particular the technical condition of the surface (s) to be treated.

Once a surface has been cleaned, a further inspection of the technical condition of the surface follows. We call this the 0 situation. The subsurface is categorized and the preservation system is suitable. Roughly speaking, we can subdivide CCPI's protective systems into reversible non-film-forming protection systems, reversible film-forming protection systems, semi-permanent film-forming protection systems and 2-component protection systems. CCPI has a strong preference for reversible non-film-forming protection systems. This is due to the user-friendliness and smaller risks regarding the application conditions compared to film-forming protection systems.

With the CCPI Condition Score System, CCPI has developed a system in which closed, non-porous surfaces can be categorized on the basis of the current technical condition. This system provides a detailed foundation for the conservation or protection system to be used and is therefore very suitable for a project-based approach in combination with tailor-made project advice. We increasingly find surfaces that have been treated without any substantiation or underlying knowledge, often with all the consequences that entails. The CCPI Condition Score System provides a detailed substantiation with a possible budgeting and maintenance program. The system offers a handle for real estate owners, administrators and application companies.

The CCPI Condition Score System comprises a score system that runs from 1 to 5. Where a score of 1 indicates an almost new surface and a score of 5 on a surface that is technically at the end of its life. The system consists of a unique formula where values ​​must be entered for 8 different variables. The sum of these 8 values ​​determines the final score and therefore the condition score in which the substrate in question falls. Below is an overview of the condition scores and the corresponding description.

Condition score 1. Excellent condition, new * incidental minor defects
Condition score 2. Good condition * occasional aging
Condition score 3. Reasonable condition * local visible aging, function fulfillment not at risk

Condition score 4. Moderate condition * function fulfillment occasionally at risk
Condition score 5. Bad condition * aging irreversible (end of life)

Condition score 1 to 3 consolidates the substrate and gives it life-extending properties. As a result, the economic life of the investor, owner and / or manager is longer and therefore has a higher return on his investment. Should a score fall at the top or bottom of one of the condition scores, there may be an overlap in the score level.

As soon as the subsurface has been categorized, the choice for the protective system to be applied follows i.c.m. placing reference tests. The technical condition of the substrate (condition score) and the scope of our client are leading in this. The determination of the protection system to be used also depends on the various properties and characteristics of the protection system. In the model below we have shown the properties and characteristics of the various protection systems of CCPI.

Beschermsystemen CCPI

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Each protection system has its own unique properties and in this way the right choice (s) can be made per project on the one hand, based on the technical condition of the substrate and, on the other hand, the properties of the protection system. In other words, a very detailed story with all the necessary technical support.

CCPI does not believe in one-off cleaning and preservation of surfaces, but gives a clear preference for MJOP-driven maintenance programs. In practice, we increasingly come across surfaces that are in condition score 4 or 5, partly due to overdue or incorrect maintenance. Preparing an MJOP is a requirement for these substrates because the substrate must then be treated with life-extending systems.

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It is also essential to prepare an MJOP for surfaces that receive a score of 1, 2 or 3, to avoid having to resort to film-forming protection systems in 10 or 20 years' time. New surfaces can be easily maintained with periodic maintenance to keep the surfaces in good condition, both technically and aesthetically.

In summary, CCPI does not believe in applying protective systems without substantiation. Partly in view of the changing market and the associated commercial trends, CCPI tries to stimulate an awareness process with further substantiation. As well as the fact that after applying a protection system it is of great importance to include the treated surfaces in maintenance programs as much as possible. In this way, surfaces receive the attention it deserves and ensure that they remain in good condition, both technically and aesthetically. In addition, continuity can be guaranteed in this way and it automatically means intensive partnerships between parties for a longer period. An additional advantage is that the costs for maintenance are made transparent for a long period of time. This also provides a transparent and clear story for both owner, manager and application company.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact your adviser. View a visual representation of the system here.

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